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Courses and Seminars

B&T Meetings

Human Capital Forum

May 2013

Institute of Forensic Science and Security

Seminar: Electronic Evidence in the company: Fraud Prevention and Detection

November 2011

TBL The Botton Line

Seminar: Design and Management Succession Plans and Diagrams Replacement

February 2011

University Peruana Ciencias Aplicadas: School of Postgraduate

Course: Salaries and Compensation Management

October 2010

University of Lima: School of Postrgraduate

Economic Crisis and New World Stage: European Perspective

October 2010

University of Lima: Facultad de Administración

XXXVI Professional Development Course in Management in the areas of: General Administration, Human Resources and Marketing

October to November 2009

University of Lima: School of Postgraduate

International Workshop: Strategic Management Tools

April 2007

University of Lima: School of Postgraduate

International Ejecutive Conference: Effective Management Process 

November 2006

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