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Work Experience

·  Luz del Sur S.A.A.

Development Human Resource Supervisor

   July 2013 to the date

·  Luz del Sur S.A.A.

Training and Selection Analyst

   August 2009 to March 2011

·  Luz del Sur S.A.A.

Practice in the Departament of Human Relation, Selection and Training

   January to August 2009

·  Luz del Sur S.A.A.

   Practice in the Departament of Planing and Development of Human Resources

   January to Dicember 2008


·  Club de Regatas Lima - Perú

   General Coordinator of Laser Clase

   April 2005 to February 2011

·  Peruvian Sailing Laser Class Association

   Vowel of Club Regatas Lima - Perú

        Julio 2005 to Octubre 2009

·  Asesoría y Negocios Financieros S.A. - ASFINSA

Junior Consultant: Management area

​August 2007 to Dicember 2007


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